The European Chemicals Agency ECHA has the task of maintaining a database with information on products containing substances of very high concern. This database is called SCIP (Substances of Concern In Products) and has three main objectives:
Reducing the generation of waste containing hazardous substances by supporting the substitution of such substances of concern.
Providing information to improve waste treatment.
Empowering authorities to monitor the use of substances of concern throughout their life cycle and to take appropriate action.
Affected Jacob products are listed in the SCIP database
All Jacob products that contain substances of very high concern (e.g. lead in brass) are listed in the SCIP database.
Our customers can call up the SCIP numbers of individual products via the Cadenas platform. In addition to the SCIP numbers, detailed information about our products can be found there. The CAD data download is just one highlight at
Jacob articles that are listed in the SCIP database can be downloaded here as an Excel file. Download SCIP list Jacob GmbH.
are you looking for a lead-free solution already?
The cable gland specialist JACOB continues to expand its offer of lead-free products. Download product flyer here.
We can also realise customer-specific items in both lead-free brass and stainless steel.
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